When can I decorate a new home?

Have you recently just moved into a newly built home? Whether it is your first step on the ladder, or you have upgraded to a bigger space to accommodate your growing family, you will want to ensure that the décor perfectly matches your vision.
However, can you decorate a new build straight away? We thought we would take a closer look…

Should you wait before decorating your new home?
While you might be tempted to start transforming your new home with new paint as soon as you move in it is best to wait a while before doing so. The materials used in the construction of a new property, such as timber and plaster, need time to dry out fully. Whilst most of the moisture (for example from plastering) will have dried out before you move in it can take over a year for a home to completely dry out or ‘condition’ to the way that you live. This is the natural process and occurs in all newly built, or refurbished, properties.
For this reason, it is always advisable to wait six to twelve months before starting your decoration. This will allow the materials your home is built from to dry out and will typically result in some small hairline cracks or occasional ‘nail/screw pops’ in the plaster or woodwork. These are completely normal occurrences in any new build home and are easily remedied by the homeowner when decoration does occur.
Once you have allowed your home to condition you can start on giving your home its new look. It is important (especially in the first year) to ensure that the paint you are using is ‘breathable paint’. This is a special paint that has microporous characteristics that allow water vapour to permeate through and allows the building to continue its drying out process.

Can I wallpaper a new home?
When it comes to wallpaper, you should again wait for the recommended 12 months. This allows the walls to dry out and should any hairline cracks form these are easily remedied.
Ideas for decorating your new home
While it is advisable to hold off decorating as soon as you move in there are still plenty of ways to decorate your home and add your personal touch.

Utilise mirrors
Mirrors are a fantastic way to enhance the flow of light through your rooms and make your rooms feel more spacious.

Let the light flow
Ditch those big heavy drapes and blinds in your kitchen and living rooms. Instead, let the light flow through and use lightweight fabrics such as cotton or linen as furnishings for the evening.

Place your furniture wisely
Your furniture is one of the most important aspects of your interior, so you should make sure that you are choosing solutions that define your style while still being functional. You should also consider how you position them in your home.

Consider the artwork you choose
Art is a great way to add that personal touch to your home. However, make sure that you are considering where you are placing it. For example, placing little paintings high on a wall can look strange, and the middle of an image should always try to be at eye level.

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